As an international city, Geneva offers a perfect mix of advantages: an incomparable quality of life, a dense network of key international institutions, a cosmopolitan location in the heart of Europe, easy access, a highly-skilled multilingual workforce, top academic institutions, and a secure and neutral environment.
Areas of expertise and key resources
Learn more about expertise and key resources available in Geneva as a center for global governance Find out more

Services made available to organizations based in Geneva or wishing to settle there allowing them to work under the best possible conditions.

Direct access to the main International Geneva institutions jobs & careers pages.

Find out more about the main institutions offering training and education programs in the field of international cooperation.

Discover Geneva's top-quality infrastructure to accommodate all types of international meetings.

Find out more about host authorities, whether at the federal, cantonal, or city levels

Discover the official legislation, reports, statements and publications about International Geneva.

Discover the International Geneva Perception Change project.