Movers and Shakers

Keep track of professionally-related news about appointments, promotions or moves to other institutions within International Geneva.


  • Countries are spending more on health, but people are still paying too much out of their own pockets

    WHO – 20 February 2019 

  • United Nations moves to help combat sexual abuse in its ranks

    Reuters – 20 February 2019 

  • ICRC, NBC Left Field explore plight of families of missing migrants in new series

    ICRC – 19 February 2019 

  • Not enough resettlement solutions for refugees worldwide, says UN

    UN News – 19 February 2019 

  • Offre d'emploi – Directeur Général

    CICR – 19 février 2019 

  • Des "gilets jaunes" manifesteront sur la Place des Nations à Genève

    RTS – 19 février 2019 

  • 'I feel alive again': prosthetics and hope in Central African Republic

    The Guardian – 19 February 2019 

  • WTO trade indicator points to slower trade growth into first quarter of 2019

    WTO – 19 February 2019 

  • World Day of Social Justice

    ILO – 20 February 2019 

  • Le Comité pour l'élimination de la discrimination à l'égard des femmes ouvre sa 72e session à Genève

    ONU Info – 18 février 2019 

  • Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights opens sixty-fifth session in Geneva

    UNOG – 18 February 2019 

  • TRIPS Council launches new notification system, discusses incentives for technology transfer

    WTO – 13 February 2019 

  • Countries urged to ratify labour conventions

    ILO – 18 February 2019 

  • Tire Industry Project publishes second report on tire manufacturing environmental performance

    WBCSD – 18 February 2019 

  • Trade is not a weapon. Let's not use it as one

    By Børge Brende, President, Member of the Managing Board, World Economic ForumWEF – 18 February 2019 

  • Une Danoise nommée à la tête du Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement

    Après avoir consulté les présidents des groupes régionaux des États membres, le Secrétaire général des Nations Unies, António Guterres, a informé ce weekend l'Assemblée générale de son intention de nommer Inger Andersen, du Danemark, au poste de Directrice exécutive du Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement (PNUE).ONU Info – 17 février 2019 

  • Le 70e anniversaire de l'Association des journalistes accrédités à l'ONU

    Radio Lac – 18 février 2019 

  • Digital Watch newsletter – Issue 37 – January 2019

    Geneva International Platform - 6 February 2019 

  • Kermesse des droits de l'homme, c'est parti!

    Par Guy Mettan, Directeur du Club suisse de la presseLa Tribune de Genève – 18 février 2019 

  • Developers revive first Web browser at week-long hackathon

    CERN – 15 February 2019 

  • What's happening in international Geneva this week?

    Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women / 72nd session, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights / 65th session, Inland Transport Committee / 81st session, Globalisation, Robotics and the Future of Work at IHEID, and more. Check out our Calendar!Genève internationale – 18 February 2019 
