© Luca Fascini
Who's who
Who's who
No other place in the world hosts such an important number of global players as Geneva. Locate those who address today’s most pressing challenges amongst IOs, NGOs, permanent missions, platforms, academic institutions, and welcome & support structures. You may search by theme and/or type of actor. This list does not pretend to be exhaustive. It does not confer any particular status to those mentioned.
Would you be interested in a comprehensive mapping of the digital policy and Internet governance scene in International Geneva, you may also refer to the Geneva Digital Atlas of the Geneva Internet Platform.
International Cocoa Initiative - ICI
Non-governmental organizations
International Code of Conduct Association - ICoCA
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Commission of Jurists - ICJ
Non-governmental organizations
International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use – ICH
Non-governmental organizations
International Council of Nurses - ICN
Non-governmental organizations
International Development Law Organization - IDLO
Permanent Missions and Delegations
International Disability Alliance - IDA
Non-governmental organizations
International Electrotechnical Commission - IEC
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Federation for Human Rights - FIDH
Non-governmental organizations
International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations - ILEP
Non-governmental organizations
International Federation of Consulting Engineers - FIDIC
Non-governmental organizations
International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA)
Non-governmental organizations
International Federation of Inventors' Associations - IFIA
Non-governmental organizations
International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations - IFPMA
Non-governmental organizations
International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies - IFRC
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights - FIFDH
Non-governmental organizations
International Institute for Sustainable Development - IISD
Non-governmental organizations
International Labour Organization - ILO
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Law Commission - ILC
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Organisation of Employers - IOE
Non-governmental organizations
International Organization for Migration - IOM
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Organization for Standardization - ISO
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Organization for the Right to Education and Freedom of Education - OIDEL
Non-governmental organizations
International Osteoporosis Foundation - IOF
Non-governmental organizations
International Peace Bureau Geneva Office - IPB
Non-governmental organizations
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War - IPPNW
Non-governmental organizations
International Planned Parenthood Federation
Non-governmental organizations
International Rescue Committee - IRC
Non-governmental organizations
International Road Federation - IRF
Non-governmental organizations
International Road Transport Union - IRU
Non-governmental organizations
International Service for Human Rights - ISHR
Non-governmental organizations
International Social Security Association - ISSA
Non-governmental organizations
International Telecommunication Union - ITU
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Trade Centre - ITC
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Trade Union Confederation - ITUC (Geneva office)
Non-governmental organizations
International Union for Conservation of Nature - IUCN
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants - UPOV
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations - IUF
Non-governmental organizations
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers - ICANN
Non-governmental organizations
Internet Governance Forum - IGF
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
INTERSOS Humanitarian Aid Organization
Non-governmental organizations
Iran (Islamic Republic of ) - Permanent Mission (UN)
Permanent Missions and Delegations
Japan - Permanent Mission (UN, Conference on Disarmament)
Permanent Missions and Delegations
Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations System - JIU
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS - UNAIDS
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
Lao People's Democratic Republic - Permanent Mission (UN)
Permanent Missions and Delegations
Macao Economic and Trade Office - Representation (WTO)
Permanent Missions and Delegations
Medicines for Malaria Venture - MMV
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
Medicines Patent Pool - MPP
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
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