© Luca Fascini
Who's who
Who's who
No other place in the world hosts such an important number of global players as Geneva. Locate those who address today’s most pressing challenges amongst IOs, NGOs, permanent missions, platforms, academic institutions, and welcome & support structures. You may search by theme and/or type of actor. This list does not pretend to be exhaustive. It does not confer any particular status to those mentioned.
Would you be interested in a comprehensive mapping of the digital policy and Internet governance scene in International Geneva, you may also refer to the Geneva Digital Atlas of the Geneva Internet Platform.
Amnesty International - United Nations Office
Non-governmental organizations
Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development - FORUM-ASIA
Non-governmental organizations
Association for the Prevention of Torture - APT
Non-governmental organizations
Association World Vision International - WVI
Non-governmental organizations
Center for Civilians in Conflict - CIVIC
Non-governmental organizations
Center for Reproductive Rights, Geneva Office - CRR
Non-governmental organizations
Centre for Civil and Political Rights - CCPR Centre
Non-governmental organizations
Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue - HD Centre
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
Convention Against Torture Initiative - CTI
Non-governmental organizations
Defence for Children International - DCI
Non-governmental organizations
East-West Management Institute - EWMI
Non-governmental organizations
Education Cannot Wait - ECW Geneva Office
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
Eliminating Child Labour in Tobacco-growing Foundation - ECLT
Non-governmental organizations
Fédération internationale de l'Action des chrétiens pour l'abolition de la torture (FIACAT)
Non-governmental organizations
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Geneva Office (FES)
Non-governmental organizations
Frontline Negotiations - Centre of Competence on Humanitarian Negotiation (CCHN)
Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights - ADH
Academic and training Institutions
Geneva Centre for Human Rights Advancement and Global Dialogue - GCHRAGD
Non-governmental organizations
Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies
Academic and training Institutions
Geneva federation for cooperation and development - FGC
Non-governmental organizations
Geneva Infant Feeding Association – International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN -GIFA)
Non-governmental organizations
Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining - GICHD
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
Global Action Against Mass Atrocity Crimes - GAAMAC Support office
Non-governmental organizations
Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions - GANHRI
Non-governmental organizations
Global Forum on Migration and Development - GFMD
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime - GITOC
Good Neighbors Geneva International Cooperation Office – GNI
Non-governmental organizations
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies - IHEID
Academic and training Institutions
Gulf Research Center Foundation - GRCF
Non-governmental organizations
Human Rights Council - HRC OHCHR
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) - Geneva office
Non-governmental organizations
Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems International - HURIDOCS
Non-governmental organizations
Indigenous Peoples' Center for Documentation, Research and Information - Docip
Non-governmental organizations
Inter-Agency Standing Committee - IASC
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre - IDMC
Non-governmental organizations
International alliance for the protection of heritage - ALIPH
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Bridges to Justice - IBJ
Non-governmental organizations
International Bureau of Education - IBE UNESCO
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Catholic Center of Geneva - CCIG
Non-governmental organizations
International Catholic Child Bureau - BICE
Non-governmental organizations
International Catholic Migration Commission - ICMC
Non-governmental organizations
International Civil Defence Organization - ICDO
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Cocoa Initiative - ICI
Non-governmental organizations
International Code of Conduct Association - ICoCA
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Commission of Jurists - ICJ
Non-governmental organizations
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Federation for Human Rights - FIDH
Non-governmental organizations
International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies - IFRC
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights - FIFDH
Non-governmental organizations
International Organization for Migration - IOM
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
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