Who's who

No other place in the world hosts such an important number of global players as Geneva. Locate those who address today’s most pressing challenges amongst IOs, NGOs, permanent missions, platforms, academic institutions, and welcome & support structures. You may search by theme and/or type of actor. This list does not pretend to be exhaustive. It does not confer any particular status to those mentioned. 

Would you be interested in a comprehensive mapping of the digital policy and Internet governance scene in International Geneva, you may also refer to the Geneva Digital Atlas of the Geneva Internet Platform.


Arigatou International
Non-governmental organizations
Bulan Institute for Peace Innovations
Non-governmental organizations
Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies - CIHRS
Non-governmental organizations
Centre Europe-Tiers Monde - CETIM
Non-governmental organizations
Centre for Sport and Human Rights
Non-governmental organizations
Committee for Justice
Non-governmental organizations
Disability Rights Fund
Non-governmental organizations
Dominicans for Justice and Peace (Order of Preachers)
Non-governmental organizations
Edmund Rice International - ERI
Non-governmental organizations
Education Cannot Wait - ECW Geneva Office
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
Fédération internationale de l'Action des chrétiens pour l'abolition de la torture (FIACAT)
Non-governmental organizations
Fondation Apprentis d'Auteuil International - F.A.A.I
Non-governmental organizations
Foundation for Humanitarian Action at Sea (FHAS)
Non-governmental organizations
Franciscans International - FI
Non-governmental organizations
Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
Non-governmental organizations
Frontline Negotiations - Centre of Competence on Humanitarian Negotiation (CCHN)
Geneva Centre for Human Rights Advancement and Global Dialogue - GCHRAGD
Non-governmental organizations
Geneva for Human Rights - Global Training
Non-governmental organizations
Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies - EiE
Non-governmental organizations
Geneva Infant Feeding Association – International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN -GIFA)
Non-governmental organizations
Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining - GICHD
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions - GANHRI
Non-governmental organizations
Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect - GCR2P
Non-governmental organizations
Global Commission on Drug Policy - GCDP
Non-governmental organizations
Global Detention Project - GDP
Non-governmental organizations
Global Forum on Migration and Development - GFMD
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
Good Neighbors Geneva International Cooperation Office – GNI
Non-governmental organizations
Graduate Women International - GWI
Non-governmental organizations
Human Rights Council - HRC OHCHR
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
Humanitarian Quality Assurance Initiative - HQAI
Non-governmental organizations
Indigenous Peoples' Center for Documentation, Research and Information - Docip
Non-governmental organizations
Inter-Agency Standing Committee - IASC
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International alliance for the protection of heritage - ALIPH
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Civil Defence Organization - ICDO
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Code of Conduct Association - ICoCA
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Council of Voluntary Agencies - ICVA
Non-governmental organizations
International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies - IFRC
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights - FIFDH
Non-governmental organizations
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